Monday, August 3, 2009

Rumblings and groans of a middle-aged woman.

I recently read an article in an arts & crafts magazine that boasted there is a new attitude about crafting. In reference to the article, it was noted that a young woman had completed an embroidery project that she proudly showed her grandmother and was disappointed when the matronly women criticized the work. Upon review of the artwork, grandma noted to the sloppy craftsmanship. To quote this article, "This new attitude values the process of crafting and the freedom to express individual style and personality rather than striving for absolute perfection and duplication."

I don't know about you, but this rather put my panties in a bunch. Since when does comprising quality and craftsmanship mean stifling ones expression of style and personality? What is wrong with taking pride and achieving perfection in ones work? I am my worst critic. I welcome criticism from others as a means to improve upon my abilities. How can one grow and improve if never challenged?

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